• Saturday, Aug. 24 “Get Acquainted Day” – Gate Admission: 12 and up $12.00 (11 and under free) 
  • Sunday, Aug. 25 “Museum Day” – Gate Admission: 12 and up $12.00 (11 and under free) 
  • Monday, Aug. 26 “Annual Woodsmen’s Day” – Gate Admission: 12 and up $12.00 – Seniors (60+) $5.00, (11 and under free) 
  • Tuesday, Aug. 27 “Horsemen’s Day” – Gate Admission: 12 and up $12.00 (11 and under free) 
  • Wednesday, Aug. 28 HALF PRICE “GATE & RIDE” DAY – Gate Admission: 12 and up $6.00 (11 and under free) 
  • Thursday, Aug. 29 “Senior Citizens” & “Veterans Day” – Gate Admission: 12 and up $12.00 – Seniors (60+) $5.00 (11 and under free) (Veterans with ID get in free)
  • Friday, Aug. 30 “Livestock Appreciation Day” – Gate Admission: 12 and up $12.00 (11 and under free) 
  • Saturday, Aug. 31 “Youth Livestock Show Day” – Gate Admission:12 and up $12.00 (11 and under free) 
  • Sunday, Sept. 1 “Children’s Day” – Gate Admission: 12 and up $12.00 (11 and under free) 
  • Monday, Sept. 2 “Labor Day” – Gate Admission: 12 and up $12.00 (11 and under free) 

We reserve the right to refuse admission to those under the influence.

Always the first Monday and Thursday $5

Tim & Martha Chase: 207-441-2522

The Windsor Fair does not have scooters or wheelchairs available

Telephone: 207-549-3137 (WF PD -dispatch during the fair)

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