The Beauty Of Artistic Expression

Welcome to the Windsor Fair Poster Contest! As the air fills with excitement and anticipation, we invite you to join us in celebrating the spirit of the fair through art and imagination.

Application Process

Deadline – April 15, 2025

1. Submissions, with application, should be sent or delivered to:
Windsor Fair Trustees
C/O Shannon Bard
88 Point Road
Belgrade, ME 04917

2. After a selection has been made, artists will be notified. Those who desire may make arrangements to pick up their submissions at 88 Point Road or arrange for return by mail by calling Shannon Bard @ 207-240-3908.

3. Windsor Fair will retain all rights to the design. It will appear on posters, t-shirts and perhaps other promotional material.

4. A press release will announce the winner of the contest and the winning design.

5. Possible date for the winning artist to autograph posters and t-shirts during the Windsor Fair.

2024 Windsor Fair's Poster Winner: Alexis Burbank of Waterville, Maine

The trustees of the Windsor Fair are interested in obtaining a design suitable for reproduction on posters and t-shirts to be sold at the Windsor Fair. Artwork should reflect some aspect of this traditional agricultural fair. The selected entry will receive a prize of $1,000.00. The Windsor Fair will retain all rights to the design. Additional information may be obtained by calling Shannon Bard at 207-240-3908 or email:

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